Click on a doctor below to check availability and to make a booking.

Dr. Sudha Kumar
Sudha has been with the practice since its inception in 2003. She holds a Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Sudha has worked extensively in RBWH, MCH and TPCH. Sudha has interests in Women’s Health (IUCD and Implanon insertion), Paediatrics General medicine & Palliative care, Mental Health (Level 2 Certificate in Mental Health).
Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri

Dr. Robyn Barrett
Graduating from UQ in 1990, Robyn spent time in various QLD hospitals & Royal Melbourne hospital. Here she gained experience in Emergency Medicine & Intensive Care. Entering General Practice in 2003, Dr Robyn has developed special interests in antenatal care, paediatrics, women’s health & mental issues.
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri

Dr. Ayesha Ghouse Ahmed
Ayesha completed her primary medical qualification in 2008 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She has worked extensively at The Prince Charles and Mater hospital. She has been with Fernlands Radius Medical Centre since 2022.
Ayesha takes a patient-centred approach to care and is passionate about supporting patients through all stages of life. Areas of interest include chronic medical conditions, women’s health, child and adolescent health, aged care and preventive healthcare.
Languages Spoken are English, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada
Mon, Tue & Fri

Dr Kylie Kyle
A University of Queensland graduate, Kylie has worked at The Prince Charles and Royal Brisbane Hospital with a focus on General Medicine before entering general practice in 2014. Kylie emphasises holistic family medicine with a special interest in women’s health, antenatal care and chronic disease management. She values a relational focus with good communication to provide a supportive care model. She is a mother to 3 children and is active in the local community, caring for young families.
Tues & Wed (AM)

Dr Aradhana Mohan
Aradhana graduated from The University of Queensland in 2017. She spent 4 years training at The Prince Charles Hospital & Greenslopes Private Hospital, where she gained experience in a range of disciplines including obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, geriatrics, and psychiatry. Aradhana is passionate about preventative and holistic health care.
Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri

Dr Eloise Ward
Eloise graduated from the University of Queensland in 2018. Before commencing general practice Eloise has worked extensively at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital. She has also recently completed her Masters of Biostatistics and has a special interest in research and clinical trials.
Eloise is enthusiastic about all areas of general practice and is passionate about providing holistic, patient-centred care.
Mon, Tues, Thu & Fri

Dr Erika Collie
MD BNursing
Erika completed a Bachelor of Nursing at the Queensland University of Technology in 2015, before obtaining a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Melbourne in 2020. Prior to commencing General Practice she worked for several years at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, gaining experience across a variety of adult and paediatric disciplines.
Erika is interested in all areas of General Practice, with a particular interest in paediatrics, and
holds the Sydney Child Health Program qualification.
Mon, Tues, & Thurs

Dr Owen Sulistio
Owen Graduated from the University of Queensland in 2022. After graduation he worked at Queensland Children's Hospital, the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, and the Prince Charles Hospital. Prior to medicine, Owen worked as an avionics engineer on helicopters and unmanned systems.
His developing special interests include emergency medicine, antenatal care and skin cancer.
Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs